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Jobtitle filter

The job title search allows you to search for contacts with specific job titles. This search is an intelligent search that displays intelligent keyword suggestions as well as similar topics that could also be of interest.

In order to add a job title search, first click on “Add filter”, then on “Contact Filters” and finally on the filter “Job Title Search”.

Once you start typing a keyword, our intelligent search will display actual job title suggestions below the search bar. You can add these keywords to your search by clicking on the plus symbol. Click on the minus symbol to exclude specific job titles from your search.

Click on any one suggestion to add it to your search. After that, the keyword overview will show you exactly how many contacts will be added or excluded from your search when you move your mouse over the addition (plus) or exclusion (minus) symbols next to each job title.

The “AI suggestions” on the right side provide additional relevant keyword suggestions with which you can enhance your search.

Finalize your search by clicking on the blue “Contacts” button at the bottom right.



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